Welcome to Serenifly Costumes!
A study of the costumes of the TV show Firefly and the movie Serenity. This website, paired with
a blog of pictures, aims to help organize the costumes into a searchable form.
This site's main goal is to catalog all the costumes used in each episode and movie.
what's here?
What's this about? You'll see research photos taken from screencaps, promotional photos, and scans from
books and magazines dealing with the costumes from the series and movie. I've tried to find every picture I can of all
the costumes. Some will have more exposure than others.
What won't you see here? Help with the actual making of a costume. I don't know where you can get
the perfect shirt to go with Kaylee's coveralls. Nor do I know how to make most of the stuff used on the show.
I'll just keep track of the photos, you can do the rest! :) I will put up a tutorial if they're given to me.