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mia's firefly music

my interpretations of the music from firefly and serenity

At a Browncoat Shindig, I decided I'd provide some musical entertainment.  I, and a guitar player, worked up some tunes we heard on the soundtracks and show.  Being a violinist is part of my day job, so working up the music was fun and a way for me to immerse myself more into the Serenifly 'verse.  After performing, several members at the shindig wished to see the sheet music I wrote out, so here it is!  I have since used this music at many shindigs.  It's a lot of fun to play!
Note:  I have found that the transcriptions at Brian Burke Music are very good, so I have not written out those songs here. 
Also, I very much recommend getting Greg Edmonson's Firefly Piano book.  It's fantastic!
* PDFs are here!!! *
Inara's Suite 1 and Inara's Suite 2 for solo violin with chords. 
This is an arrangement of Edmonson's Inara's Suite.  It's my own interpretation of what he wrote out in his Firefly Piano book. 
The Triumph Melody (the Wedding) for solo violin with chords.
I usually play this with improvisation on the repeats.  I repeat it as many times as I like. 
The Funeral for solo violin with chords.
This is also an interpretation of Edmonson's The Funeral from his Firefly Piano book.
River's Dance is actually an arrangement of The Sailor's Wife
The Sailor's Wife is a fiddle tune.
Fruity Oaty Bars for solo violin/voice/guitar.
Also my interpretation of the wacky commercial.  Since I play violin during the sing-alongs, I use my violin for the melody and do the fill-ins when I can. 


this is a fan site. no disrespect, infringement, or anything mean is intended.
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